Saturday, July 24, 2010

Eight Important Things to Know about a Mortgage

So, you are ready to buy a home and want to understand basic points about a mortgage? Here is a simplified guide on important things you need to know regarding mortgage loans. For the full description of these terms, go to my source, The Smart Borrower Center on Lending Tree's website at Look under "Tools to help you borrow better."

Compare these important factors when choosing a mortgage:
1. Principal - The amount you are borrowing to buy your home. When you shop for mortgages, lending institutions will tell you how much they are willing to lend and help you determine what you can afford.
2. Type of mortgage - Usually fixed or adjustable rate mortgages. With a fixed rate, you usually pay the same amount each month for the life of the loan. This can mean less risk but a little higher interest rate. An adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) may provide a lower rate but change with the market, which can increase your risk and payment amount. Discuss options with your lender.
3. Interest rate - Consider the annual percentage rate (APR) which takes into account the interest rate as well as the other costs in the loan. Review with the lender how your interest rate will change if you choose an ARM.
4. Monthly payment - Think about the amount you can comfortably afford to pay each month for your mortgage. The lowest interest is not always the best deal. You will want to reduce your principal with each payment so you can build equity and use that money for a down payment when you move to a new home.
5. Mortgage term - the number of years your loan will be active. Shorter-term loans carry higher monthly payments, and longer-term loans carry lower monthly payments. The term of the mortgage can be set based on what you can afford to pay each month and how soon you wish to pay off your loan.
6. Discount points - These are offered by some lenders as a way to lower the interest rate. One point equals one percent. For each point, The Smart Borrower Center estimates yoy can lower your interest rate 0.25 percent. Think about how long you plan to keep your home when deciding what makes sense about paying discount points.
7. Lock-ins - A specific interest rate and possible discount points quoted by a lender. The market can change while you are looking for a home. Locking in the interest rate may help protect you against rising interest rates.
8. Closing costs - Fees charged when closing mortgage deals. This can run up thousands of dollars on what you must bring to the table at closing. Be sure to get a good faith estimate from your lender so there are no hidden costs.

Best wishes as you shop around for a good lender, good interest rates, and the best match for your individual needs. I can give you the names of reputable lenders in the Chattanooga, TN area who will help you find what you pre-quality for in a loan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My uncle is looking for a place in Chattanooga, he is doing this job for community and looking for a mortgage place for living not very expensive but clean and safety are in priority. Can you guys give me tips on like if he is going to hire an agent or relater than what things should keep in mind to rid of high commission?

Mortgage Chattanooga